Camouflaged Creatures

Camouflage:  Hide and Seek

Today we learned about how animals use camouflage and mimicry to adapt to their environments and increase their chances of survival. Students took a trip through oceans, forests, and rainforests to learn all about how animals have developed different types of camouflage to better adapt to their habitats.  Students enjoyed finding hidden animals and discussing specific kinds of animals that have developed exceptionally unique types of camouflage.

We also learned about animal mimicry, which occurs when an organism evolves to look like another and we discussed the reasons why this might happen. Examples of mimicry include a tasty and harmless moth evolving to look like a wasp or a nonvenomous snake evolving to have the same colors as a venomous snake.

Students then became zoologists, studying a brand new animal that they discovered. Working in pairs, students invented creatures that would survive in different habitats. Their job as zoologists was to draw the brand new animal and tell us all about what kind of camouflage they use to hide from predators and prey. The results were creative and thoughtful; students certainly practiced their understanding of animal adaptations. This camouflage lesson is always a student favorite!

Additional Information:

Want to learn more about camouflage?  Check out this video on the Indonesian Mimic Octopus:


Camuflaje: jugando a las escondidas

En la clase de hoy aprendimos sobre cómo los animales utilizan el camuflaje y el mimetismo para adaptarse a su medio ambiente y así aumentar su posibilidades de supervivencia.  Los estudiantes “viajaron” a través de océanos, bosques y selvas para aprender cómo los animales han desarrollado distintos tipos de camuflaje para sobrevivir sus hábitats. Los alumnos se divirtieron tratando de encontrar “animales escondidos” y discutiendo sobre ciertos animales que han desarrollado unos camuflajes excepcionales.

También aprendimos sobre el mimetismo, que ocurre cuando un organismo evoluciona para parecerse a otro, y discutimos las razones por las cuales ésto ocurre. Entre los ejemplos de mimetismo podemos encontrar una polilla que se parece a una avispa o una serpiente no venenosa que se parece a una venenosa.

Esta lección sobre el camuflaje es una de las actividades favoritas de los estudiantes.

Información adicional:

¿Quieres aprender más sobre el camuflaje?  Revisa este video sobre el pulpo mimo de Indonesia:


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