Circuits: A Bright Idea

Today, students learned how electrical circuits work and their usefulness in controlling the electricity we use everyday. We began our lesson with the review of a simple circuit, which is a closed system that allows electricity to flow. We also discussed circuit breakers and fuses and how they are designed to safely break a circuit that is overloaded beyond its capacity.

Moving on to more complex circuits, we introduced students to the two main types, series and parallel, which help direct electricity in different ways.  A series circuit consists of multiple components connected in a single path for the electrical current to flow along. In a parallel circuit, the electrical current is split over more than one closed loop path.

For the activity, students enjoyed creating and investigating series and parallel circuits with batteries and light bulbs. They also learned that a switch works to either keep the system closed (allowing the flow of electricity to continue, for example to keep light bulbs lit), or to open the system (stopping the flow of electricity, turning light bulbs off), and had the opportunity to experiment with three-way switches, which can control two different lights–such as those at either end of a staircase.

It was an illuminating afternoon!

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