Digging for Fossils!

Learning About The Past Through Fossils

Fossils are fundamental to discovering information about the past inhabitants of Earth over the course of its 4.5-billion-year history. Along with learning about the geological time of the Earth, students also learned about the different types of fossils and how they give us insight into the past.  We briefly explored the various types of fossils that can be found, including body fossils (cast, petrified wood, or whole body) that tell us what organisms looked like, and trace fossils (footprints, and coprolites) that tell us how an organism lived.

To continue with the exploration of the past, students were then turned into paleontologists!  They were able to excavate their own dinosaur bone fossils from a rock using tools and techniques similar to those employed by paleontologists and reassemble their dinosaur skeletons.  Some classes also had an opportunity to reconstruct a mystery animal skeleton from the Jurassic period.

Aprendiendo sobre el pasado a través de fósiles

Los fósiles son piezas fundamentales a la hora de descubrir información sobre los habitantes que existieron durante el transcurso de los 4.5 mil millones de años de la Tierra. En esta clase, además de aprender sobre el Tiempo Geológico de la Tierra, los estudiantes aprendieron acerca los diferentes tipos de fósiles que existen y cómo éstos nos brindan información sobre el pasado. Estudiamos los varios tipos de fósiles que se pueden encontrar. Por ejemplo, existen los fósiles de cuerpo (partes del cuerpo o cuerpos completos) que nos indican cómo los organismos lucían y las pistas fósiles (huellas y coprolitos), que nos muestran cómo los organismos vivían.

Para continuar explorando el pasado, ¡los estudiantes se convirtieron en paleontólogos!. Luego, los estudiantes se convirtieron en paleontólogos, y excavaron de una roca, huesos fósiles de dinosaurio utilizando técnicas similares a los que las que ocupan los paleontólogos. Luego, los  huesos que excavaron fueron ensamblados para formar un esqueleto de dinosaurio.Algunos grupos también tuvieron la oportunidad de reconstruir el esqueleto de un animal misterioso del período Jurásico.


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Dr. Catherine Sukow

Dr. Sukow's interest in science education began when she was a teenager, with an extended visit to San Francisco's Exploratorium. In college, she had summer jobs in a similar, smaller, museum. She focused her Master's research at NCSU on the structure of metal silicides on silicon, and her Ph. D. work at Brandeis on the structure of crossbridged actin bundles. While volunteering in her childrens' schools, she was reminded how much fun it is to teach science, and is happy to be teaching now with Science from Scientists. In her spare time, she also enjoys yoga, choral and solo singing, and attempting a variety of international cuisines.

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