Earthquake-Resistant Buildings

Today we discussed the advantages of building prototypes as part of the engineering design process. A prototype is a way to test a concept or design quickly and cheaply, before investing a lot of time and money into building something that might not work. We tested different ways to construct a model out of blocks in order to find out which design features would provide a building with the most resistance to the destructive shaking of an earthquake. Our test results suggest that using base isolation might be the best way to keep those buildings from falling down during an earthquake, and we didn’t have to build a million-dollar building to find this out!


Edificios resistentes a los Terremotos

Hoy discutimos sobre las ventajas de construir prototipos dentro del proceso de diseño ingenieril. Un prototipo es una forma de probar un diseño o un concepto de manera rápida y económica; antes de invertir mucho tiempo y dinero en construir algo que probablemente no funcione. En la actividad, probamos distintas formas de construir un modelo usando bloques para encontrar, cual característica del diseño proporcionaría un edificio con la mayor resistencia a la sacudida de un terremoto destructivo.  

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Lauren Koppel

Lauren earned a Bachelor’s degree with a double major of Biology and Psychology from Clark University, and a Master of Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. During her undergraduate years, she worked in a evolutionary neurobiology lab that studied the neural development of annelids (marine worms), with a focus on the sox family of genes. Lauren loves learning about how the world works (including everything from biology to chemistry to engineering), and is passionate about sharing that knowledge and enthusiasm with others. In the past, she has interned at the Museum of Science, where she educated learners of all ages through hands-on activities, games, and experiments. Other science education organizations with which Lauren has worked include The People’s Science, EurekaFest, and Eureka! of Girls Inc. of Worcester. Currently she lives in Boston, where devotes her free time to playing Quidditch, reading sci-fi novels, playing her ukulele, and enjoying all the culinary delights the city has to offer.

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