Our first day at Donovan and Young Elems!

Allow us to introduce ourselves…

Today your child began an exciting science program in their classroom offered by Science from Scientists. SfS is a Boston-based, non-profit organization that strives to improve science and technology attitudes and aptitudes. We send real scientists into the classroom during school every other week to teach exciting, fun, and curriculum-relevant science lessons. We will be visiting your child’s classroom every other week throughout the school year. We will bring engaging, informative, and stimulating hands-on lessons with us to supplement the school’s science curriculum.

Ms. Lauren is a biologist who studied neurodevelopment (brain growth) in worms. She received her B.A. in Biology & Psychology from Clark University, and her Masters of Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She loves learning about how the world works and sharing that with others. In her spare time, she likes to cook, read novels, and write music.

Ms. Jenna is also a biologist who studied animals and ecosystems, including ants and dolphins! She received her B.A. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Princeton University, and her Masters of Museum Education from Tufts University. She has always loved animals and doing field work outside, but likes staying clean and dry as an educator! In her spare time, she also enjoys reading, biking, and playing sports.

Please check the Classroom Post on our website regularly to read about the science activities that your child is participating in and to view photos from your child’s classroom.

Keep in Touch with Science From Scientists!
How to view your child’s Classroom Post:
1. Visit our website at: https://www.sciencefromscientists.org/for-families
2. Click on the link for See inside the classroom.
3. Select your school/grade from the list.
4. Enter the password: SFS2016
. Submit the form then save a bookmark to skip these steps next time!

We also learned about…

States of Matter!

Today we explored the changes that occur between the different forms, or states of matter. Matter can transition between states by adding or removing heat (energy).  Most of us are familiar with the liquid, solid, and gas states of matter but there are others that we are less familiar with, like plasma.  Plasma is matter that makes up the stars of our universe and can be found in lightning and even in plasma TVs.  The students enjoyed investigating with our plasma sphere, which generates thin filaments of plasma that dance around inside the globe.

We also investigated the changes that occur when matter transitions from one state to another.   We all know that when a liquid transitions to a gas, it is called vaporization (or evaporation), and changes between solids and liquids are referred to as melting and freezing, but some of the change terms were new, such as deposition (gas to solid).  Through demonstrations with dry ice (the solid state of carbon dioxide), the students were able to observe one particularly exciting transition in action: sublimation (solid to gas).

We studied sublimation by adding dry ice to water. The warmth of the water causes the dry ice to sublimate rapidly, releasing clouds of white vapor (carbon dioxide gas) that quickly sinks and dissipates. This was great fun to investigate and allowed the students to see all three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) in a single cup.

Additional Information:

Check out this video on how to make dry ice bubbles!



Permítanos presentarnos…

Hoy su hija o hijo comenzó un excitante programa de ciencias en la sala de clases, dictado por Science from Scientists (“Ciencia por Científicos). SfS es una organización sin fines de lucro de la ciudad de Boston, cuya misión es mejorar las aptitudes y actitudes hacia la ciencia y la tecnología. Cada dos semanas durante el año, envíamos verdaderos científicos a las salas de clases, para que enseñen clases de ciencia muy divertidas y excitantes, pero además relevantes para el currículo escolar de nuestro estado. Visitaremos la clase de su hija o hijo cada dos semanas durante el año escolar y llevaremos actividades muy motivantes y estimulantes para suplementar el currículo de ciencias de su escuela.

Por favor revise de manera regular los “Classroom Post” que subimos a nuestra página web, para que se entere de las actividades científicas de las cuales su hijo está participando y  también para poder ver fotos  de su hijo o hija durante las actividades. ¡Mantenganse en contacto con Science from Scientists!. ¿Cómo acceder a los “Classroom Post” de su hija o hijo: visite nuestra página web en: https://www.sciencefromscientists.org/for-families. Haga click en link “See inside the classroom”. Seleccione su escuela/grado de la lista. Ingrese la contraseña (password): SFS2016. Envíe el formulario y luego guarde un “bookmark” para evitar estos pasos en el futuro.

¡Estados de la Materia!

Hoy exploramos los cambios que ocurren entre las distintos estados de la materia. La materia puede cambiar de estado al agregar o quitar calor (energía). La mayoría de nosotros conoce los estados de la materia líquido, sólido y gaseoso, pero también existen otros estados de materia menos conocidos como el plasma. El plasma es un tipo de materia que conforma las estrellas de nuestro universo, pero también se puede encontrar en los relámpagos e incluso en los aparatos de televisión de plasma. Los estudiantes disfrutaron experimentando con nuestra esfera de plasma, la cual genera pequeños filamentos de plasma que “bailan” al interior de ella.

Durante la clase también investigamos que es lo que sucede cuando la materia cambia de un estado a otro. El cambio de líquido a gaseoso se llama evaporación, y los cambios entre sólido y líquido se conocen como fusión y solidificación. Por otra parte, el cambio de gas a sólido se llama deposición. Utilizando hielo seco (el estado sólido del dióxido de carbono), los estudiantes pudieron observar uno de los cambios de estados de materia más impresionantes: la sublimación, que es el cambio de sólido a gas.

Estudiamos la sublimación al introducir hielo seco en agua. El calor del agua hace que el hielo seco sublime rápidamente, liberando así nubes de vapor blanco (dióxido de carbono gaseoso) las cuales disipan prontamente. Esta actividad fue muy entretenida y permitió que los alumnos observarán distintos estados de la materia (sólido, líquido y gas), ¡usando sólo una taza!

Información adicional:

Revisa este video sobre cómo hacer burbujas de hielo seco.



Lauren Koppel

Lauren earned a Bachelor’s degree with a double major of Biology and Psychology from Clark University, and a Master of Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. During her undergraduate years, she worked in a evolutionary neurobiology lab that studied the neural development of annelids (marine worms), with a focus on the sox family of genes. Lauren loves learning about how the world works (including everything from biology to chemistry to engineering), and is passionate about sharing that knowledge and enthusiasm with others. In the past, she has interned at the Museum of Science, where she educated learners of all ages through hands-on activities, games, and experiments. Other science education organizations with which Lauren has worked include The People’s Science, EurekaFest, and Eureka! of Girls Inc. of Worcester. Currently she lives in Boston, where devotes her free time to playing Quidditch, reading sci-fi novels, playing her ukulele, and enjoying all the culinary delights the city has to offer.

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