Fun with Classification!

SP04 – The Classification Challenge

In this lesson we learned that we classify objects, ideas, and living organisms on a daily basis. We also learned that classification is a very important tool for scientists (like us) because it allows us to better understand our subjects of study, and also helps us keep organized and communicate with fellow scientists.

In today’s activity, students were challenged to classify an assortment of different objects using their own system and then share their systems with the rest of the class. After a brief revision of classification systems that are commonly used, students were challenged to re-classify their objects using dichotomous, categorical, and continuous schemes. Older students also classified using hierarchical schemes (a combination of classification schemes like in a library).

Ask your student to identify groups of objects that have been classified in your house!


SP04- El reto de la Clasificación

En esta lección aprendimos que en nuestra vida cotidiana estamos constantemente clasificando objetos, ideas y organismos. También aprendimos que la clasificación es una herramienta muy importante para los científicos como nosotros, ya que nos permite entender mejor nuestro tema de estudio, y también nos ayuda a mantenernos organizados y poder comunicarnos con nuestros colegas.

En la actividad del día de hoy, los estudiantes realizaron un reto. Tuvieron que clasificar un surtido de objetos utilizando un sistema de clasificación propio para luego compartirlo con el resto de la clase. Después de revisar brevemente los sistemas de clasificación más usados, los estudiantes fueron capaces de re-clasificar sus objetos utilizando los tipos de clasificación “dicotómicos, categóricos y continuos”. Los estudiantes mayores además clasificaron sus objetos utilizando jerarquía (que es una mezcla de tipos de clasificación, como se clasifican los libros en una biblioteca)

Pídale a su hija o hijo que identifique grupos de objetos que han sido clasificados en su hogar.



Phillip has a BS and MS in Biology from Western Washington University, and is currently earning a PhD in Environmental Studies at Antioch University New England. His research interests are in tropical rainforest ecology and animal-plant interactions. He will be doing his doctoral dissertation research on tropical seed dispersal ecology in the montane rainforests of Rwanda. Phillip has taught though various adjunct positions at several colleges in New England, teaching biology, ecology, earth science, environmental science, and general science at Babson College, North Shore Community College, Wheelock College, Merrimack College, and Mount Ida College.

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