Moon goes through Phases

The topic of today was the moon. We started the lesson by introducing the moon, what is it, what is its origin, and what its surface looks like. Then we did a demonstration that showed us how the moon orbits around Earth and at the same time how it spins around in a way that we always see the same side of the moon from Earth.

Afterwards we had a discussion how the moon shape seems to change from day to day and why that is. We read a book that explained the different phases the moon goes through. To help us better understand the connection between the sun, the moon and our Earth, we used a foam board with balls that showed us how the moon is lit up by the sun. The students put their head through the board and by turning their head they were able to observe all moon phases visible from Earth. 

Because it is a bit difficult to remember all moon phases, the next task was to make a booklet with pictures of the moon phases that students can take home with them and use to observe the moon. The activity included drawing the moon phases, putting them together in a booklet, and glueing the names of the phases on. Although this was a time consuming project, several students were able to fully complete it during the lesson. Congratulations!

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