Solving Scientific Puzzles and Observation

Today we learned what makes a scientist a scientist: A scientist can be anyone who is curious about the world and want to find out how it works! We practiced thinking like scientists by putting together puzzles from pieces that represented different bits of data. The finished puzzles represented scientific hypotheses, but adding new discoveries showed us that such discoveries can cause us to rethink our hypotheses and come up with new answers to our questions. We also practiced observation by describing some random objects in pillowcases, using senses other than our eye sight. We emphasized using objective observations, both qualitative and quantitative, to make our best guess at what objects were in the pillowcases. The big reveal at the end let us know whether or not our hypotheses were right!



Phillip has a BS and MS in Biology from Western Washington University, and is currently earning a PhD in Environmental Studies at Antioch University New England. His research interests are in tropical rainforest ecology and animal-plant interactions. He will be doing his doctoral dissertation research on tropical seed dispersal ecology in the montane rainforests of Rwanda. Phillip has taught though various adjunct positions at several colleges in New England, teaching biology, ecology, earth science, environmental science, and general science at Babson College, North Shore Community College, Wheelock College, Merrimack College, and Mount Ida College.

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